
Superstitions and feathers

Feathers often symbolize ascension and spiritual evolution to a higher plane (Native American Chiefs wore them to show they were the ones who could communicate with the gods and were privy to their wisdom.) Also, in Native American culture, feathers represented the power of air and wind.

To Celtic Druids and ancient Egyptians, feathers were symbolic and used to invoke sky gods. Also, in Egyptian religion, Ma'at, the goddess of justice, would way the hearts of the newly dead against the weight of a feather to determine the worthiness of his or her soul (the more sins the person committed, the heavier they weighed upon the heart).

In Christianity, feathers represented virtues. In the old days, they often used the image of three feathers to represent a virtuous soul, each feather symbolizing charity, hope and faith.

Peacock Feathers were thought to be very unlucky, because they resemble an eye (the evil eye). The eye shape represented the evil eye which people were afraid of. Today the beauty and natural strength of the peacock feathers are again recognized. They are specially valued for their multi-coloured eyes. They are meant to be very unlucky if you have them in your home. You can Google superstitions for peacock feathers and you will come up with many beliefs depending on different cultures. 

For myself personally you wouldn't catch me within three feet of either a peacock or one of their feathers!! I was in a very well known garden centre here in the UK recently and imagine my shock when I came upon tall vases of these dreaded feathers all over the store ~ was I freaked out well trust me that is an understatement!! It is the first time I have seen such a large display of them and all over the store as well. My husband and son had great delight in touching them and attempting to bring one close to me ~ big mistake I swear I would have needed the paramedics if they had achieved this! I don't know what it is about peacock feathers but they give me the chills and there is no way would I ever have one close to me let alone stood on display in my home!

Blue Jay feathers are valued as bringer of light and joy and are said to have the ability to brighten up even the darkest places.

The Crow is one of the animals humans have always been afraid of. A crow at the window is said to represent the soul of a dead person. Crow feathers are used for mourning and letting go of unwanted feelings or situations.

Robin feathers can help to bring new things into ones life. They can also be used to induce fertility.

The pure white feathers of swans are used to purify and cleanse by attracting new energy. They represent beauty, grace and goodness. Black swan feathers can be used to purify of unwanted energy.

This bird´s feathers are good communication feathers. They help to tap into the deeper consciousness and can teach sacred wisdom.

The feathers of hawks not only hold the active energy of those artful hunters, but can also be used to identify diseases at skilled hands.

Eagle feathers are thought to be great energy bringers and remind us of the basic sacredness of all birds . They represent peace and happiness and can also drive away harmful energy.

Basically all feathers can be used for any spell, they can either attract or repel energy. But their colour gives them a specify energy which should be chosen in accordance to the wished outcome of the spell. Naturally coloured feathers are more powerful than chemically died ones. Often coloured candles are used in conjunction with feathers to give additional strength to the spell.

Colours and Feathers

Courage, good fortune, life, energy, lust, courage, enjoyment, vitality, over activity

Attraction, energy, success, creativity, physical love, new ideas, will power, love, loneliness

Intelligence, blessings of the Sun, thinking, reasoning, playfulness, pondering, reasoning

Harmony, unity, fertility, growth, finances, nature, nature spirits, animal and plant spirits, forgiveness, selfishness

Psychic awareness, peace, health, connection with spirits, protection, believe, faith, knowledge, communication

Spiritual awakening, deep spirituality, knowing of ones, faith, devotion, intuition, idealism

Love, romance, caring, feelings, empathy, kindness, love, tenderness, loneliness, longing

Purification, spirituality, hope, protection, peace, blessings of the moon, balance, finding peace, absorbing energy

Peace, neutrality, being invisible, doubting, neutrality, static

Protection, driving away, slow energy, grief, loss, repelling energy

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