Directions energy layout Quartz

You need four large quartz crystals.
This layout is used for meditations and for 'charging' objects.
First, locate the true directions of the North, South, East and West (using 
a compass if necessary).
Place one crystal representing north,  one crystal representing  south, one 
crystal representing east and one crystal representing the west. The single-
terminated ends of each quartz crystal should be pointing towards the centre.
Sit in the centre of the four quartz crystals.  Relax and feel all your stress 
and tension evaporating away from your body.
Sit in this crystal energy layout for between 15-20 minutes. If you feel it 
appropriate you might like to hold a crystal cluster in your hands.
Sit in the direction you feel guided to face.  Many people like to sit facing 
the East.
If you decide to lie down in this energy pattern, you should have your head 
facing North.  Your feet should face south.  This flows with the polarities of 
the earth.
You can 'charge' crystals, water or other objects within  this  energy 
pattern. If you place objects for charging inside a pyramid which is itself  
within the four direction layout the whole process will be greatly amplified.


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